"United Around High Human Values"

BOOK- October 7, 2013 (with Blue Dome Press) | 

So That Others May Live: A Fethullah Gulen Reader offers a definitive compilation of Gulen’s characteristic essays and editorials. Many of them, originally published in Turkish periodicals, are available here in English for the first time. The rest have been carefully re-translated, providing even familiar readers with new insight into Gulen’s most remarkable writings on faith, education, and modern civilization.

Organized thematically, this selection is meant to provide a complete portrait of Gulen as a contemporary Muslim intellectual and a spiritual leader.  His eloquent reflections on the role of the Islamic heritage in modern society should be of interest to any religious scholar.  But as an overview, The Fethullah Gulen Reader also functions as a valuable guide to the ethical impetuses of a global social movement — one that has rooted itself in Gulen’s signature synthesis of humanism and Islam.

So That Others May Live: A Fethullah Gulen Reader is scheduled for publication in late Spring, 2013.

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Last modified: July 24, 2023