"United Around High Human Values"


Playing Conflict in Folk Performance

Thomas A. Green | Analysis – 2015 | Playing Conflict in Folk Performance |  As


Interconnectedness in School Reform: Integrating the Uniqueness of Each Child

Angelia Ysobel Miranda | USA, Home School 10th Grade | 1st Place Winner | The light and heat left


So That Others May Live: A Fethullah Gulen Reader

BOOK- October 7, 2013 (with Blue Dome Press) |  So That Others May Live: A Fethullah Gulen


NGOs in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Partners in Peace?

Dr. Patrice McMahon |  The University of Nebraska-Lincoln |  Associate Professor,

Lecture Series

Robert Evans – Plowshares Institute

“Peace through Youth: Plowshares Equipping Youth Leaders from Egypt to China ” March 21, 2013

Dialogue of Civilization

Dialgoue of Civilizations Platform 2013

Solidarity against Inequalities: Global Efforts to Fight Poverty, Hunger, and the Unjust

Lecture Series

Joshua M. Landis – University of Oklahoma

“The Syrian revolution: where is it headed?” University of Houston – Honors CollegeApril


Growing Seeds of Peace

BOOK – March 2012 In an area where more than 40,000 were killed, thousands were wounded, and

Luncheon Forums

George C. Wright – President of Prairie View A&M University

The Significance of the Berlin Wall Coming Down, Revisited Istanbul Conference Center February 15,

Luncheon Forums

Bill Powers – President, University of Texas at Austin

Nurturing the Soul of a Public Research University AT&T Executive Education & Conference